11th eVis MENA Pre-Moot – Phase 1

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Phase 1 of the 11th Middle East eVis Pre-Moot!

Welcoming note from BCDR’s COO Mr. Ahmed Husain

Welcoming note from CILE’s Prof. Ronald Brand

Welcome message from CLDP’s Chief Counsel, Stephen Gardner

Oh no!  COVID-19 has gotten into the Vis Moot Problem too! Do you have the antidote?!?! Of course, not … at least not until you participate in Phase One of our exclusive 11th Middle East eVis Pre-Moot Program! 

We look forward to engaging you in daily activities designed to tackle the Vis Moot Problem and provide you with unprecedented resources to develop your best submission.

Phase One of the Program will consist of a live debate session, pre-recorded sessions, interactive lectures, and small group discussions. Teams will be divided into smaller groups, working through procedural and substantive issues of the problem with designated advisors. Each day, students are expected to participate in up to three (3) hours of virtual learning.

The detailed schedule for the live sessions is now available. The direct links to all sessions are provided for in the schedule. The link for each live session will only become active within 24 hours of the scheduled time for the session. All pre-recorded sessions of the Program are now available under ‘Material for Students’ below.

For small group discussions, please make sure you only access your team’s designated session via the corresponding link.

Importantly, this is a continuous learning experience! Make sure to regularly visit Professor Brand’s Vis Moot Resource Library here for more in-depth mooting material. Professor Brand’s library is only accessible using the password provided to you by e-mail. This year also marks CILE’s 25th anniversary…help us celebrate it with them!

See you all in Danubia, Monday, October 19 at 07:00 EDT and 14:00 AST.


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American University of Afghanistan

Herat University

Kabul University

Jami University




Baku State University




Royal University for Women


Bosnia and Herzegovina


University of Zenica



Tbilisi State University

University of Georgia


Al-Iraqia University

Al-Mustansiriyah University

Al-Nahrain University

Duhouk University

Tishk International University



University of Jordan


Maldives National University

Villa College



Yangon University

University of Mandalay

East Yangon University

Dagon University




Quaid-i-Azam University

Fatima Jinnah University



Hamad bin Khalifa University


Saudi Arabia

Prince Sultan University


Sri Lanka

Royal Institute of Colombo

Sri Lanka Law College



Université de Carthage

United Arab Emirates


UAE University (UAEU)

Middlesex University


United States

University of Pittsburgh


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